Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SMU offers ‘Tri Swimming’ clinic March 1 – June 9

WINONA, Minn. — Saint Mary’s University is offering “Tri Swimming,” an open-water swim training and triathlon clinic March 1 through June 9. This clinic is for beginning or advanced swimmers who are looking for a swim clinic to complement their triathlon training goals.

Many people are hesitant about triathlons because they lack confidence in their swimming abilities. This course is designed to complement the already-training tri-athlete’s workout, and also to encourage those who are intimidated by swimming, especially in open water. Participants will build skills, techniques, confidence and endurance for their next triathlon or open-water experience.

Specific open-water swimming drills, activities and simulations are planned. Participants will have an opportunity to see themselves through the use of an underwater video camera. As the weather gets warmer, the group will go outside for an open-water swim.

Every other Saturday, participants will learn about the running, cycling and transition portions of triathlons. Also during the Saturday clinics, self-maintenance and bike maintenance issues will be discussed. Participants will also have the opportunity to ride the Trinona course and run outdoors.

Athletes must be 18 or older and able to swim one length of the pool without the assistance of a flotation device.

The group meets three days a week, Monday from 6 to 7:15 p.m., Wednesday from 6 to 7:15 p.m. and Saturday from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Every other Saturday, the clinic runs 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Out-of-pool time may vary according to the activity. The clinic will be held at the eight-lane Jules Gernes Pool at Saint Mary’s. Instructors are Jami Severson, assistant swimming coach at SMU with competitive and open-water swimming experience, and Robyn Wangberg, professor of physics and an IronMan Hawaii qualifier and participant.

The course fee is $300. Register and pay online at www.smumn.edu/ageless. For more information, call (507) 457-6921.